
Press Release

The New "Robot AutoInspect" Cutting Tool Inspection

The "NEW" Winslow Engineering Robot AutoInspect Cutting Tool Inspection System was first shown to customers at Eastec 2019 in West Springfield, MA. The Robot AutoInspect Cutting Tool Inspection System was programmed to remove a finished ground endmill from a pallet, position it in front of our 560C Video Tool Analyzer where the end mills programmed geometric features were inspected. The 560C is able to automatically locate the endmills geometric features, do the preprogrammed inspections and store the inspection results. The end mill is then placed back in the pallet and the process is repeated with another endmill. You can set pallets of tools in front of the RobotCutting Tool Inspection System, go home for the evening, and come back in the morning to pallets of finished inspected tools.

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Winslow Engineering Inc.   920-921-6404
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